As concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability grow, the need for businesses and industry associations to adopt more eco-friendly practices is more pressing than ever. Corporate events and conferences, which are vital for networking, knowledge sharing, and promoting industry initiatives, can significantly contribute to an organisation’s carbon footprint. From travel and energy consumption to waste generation, these events can have substantial environmental impacts. However, with careful planning and strategic choices, reducing the carbon footprint of these gatherings without sacrificing their effectiveness or success is possible.

This article explores actionable strategies for business and industry associations to minimise the environmental impact of their events. We will discuss key areas such as sustainable venue selection, reducing travel emissions, waste management, and the importance of using environmentally friendly promotional products.

The Importance of Sustainable Corporate Events

Corporate events play a crucial role in business development and industry progression but also have a significant environmental impact. The emissions generated by these events can be considerable, particularly when they involve international travel, large venues, and extensive use of materials and resources. As organisations face increasing pressure from stakeholders, consumers, and regulatory bodies to operate more sustainably, addressing the carbon footprint of events is necessary.

By adopting sustainable practices, organisations contribute to the global fight against climate change and enhance their reputation as socially responsible entities. This can increase stakeholder trust, customer loyalty, and potentially even cost savings. Moreover, sustainable events are often seen as more innovative and forward-thinking, aligning with the values of modern consumers and clients.

Strategies for Reducing Carbon Footprint in Corporate Events

1. Sustainable Venue Selection

One of the most impactful event planning decisions is the venue choice. The venue’s energy consumption, waste management practices, and sustainability initiatives can significantly influence the event’s overall carbon footprint.

Key Considerations:

  • Energy Efficiency: Choose energy-efficient venues that are strongly committed to reducing their carbon footprint. Look for venues that use renewable energy sources, have energy-efficient lighting and HVAC systems, and implement water-saving measures.
  • Waste Management: Select venues with comprehensive recycling and composting programs. Venues that prioritise reducing single-use plastics and encourage waste separation can greatly reduce your event’s environmental impact.
  • Sustainable Certifications: Opt for venues with sustainability certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or those recognised by local environmental standards. These certifications indicate a venue’s commitment to sustainability.

2. Reducing Travel Emissions

Travel, particularly air travel, is one of the largest contributors to the carbon footprint of corporate events. While some travel may be unavoidable, there are ways to minimise its impact.

Key Strategies:

  • Virtual and Hybrid Events: Consider hosting virtual or hybrid events to reduce the need for travel. Hybrid events allow participants to join remotely, significantly reducing travel-related emissions. Laneway Promos has a range of Eco friendly merch packs, like our Recycled New Employee Pack can be delivered to participants at their home, to give them a sense of being part of the event.
  • Localise Events: Organise events in locations that are central to the majority of attendees. By reducing the distance participants need to travel, you can lower the overall carbon emissions.
  • Encourage Public Transport: Promote the use of public transportation, carpooling, or shuttle services for attendees. Providing information on the most eco-friendly travel options can help reduce the carbon footprint of those who must travel.

3. Sustainable Catering Options

Catering is another area where event planners can make environmentally conscious choices. The food and beverage industry is a significant source of carbon emissions, particularly when it involves long supply chains and non-sustainable practices.

Sustainable Catering Tips:

  • Local and Seasonal Produce: Choose catering options that include locally sourced and seasonal produce. This reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation and supports local farmers and producers.
  • Plant-Based Menus: Incorporate more plant-based options into your event menus. Plant-based foods generally have a lower carbon footprint than meat and dairy products.
  • Reduce Food Waste: Work with caterers who have strategies for minimising food waste, such as offering smaller portions, donating leftovers to local charities, or composting organic waste.

4. Waste Reduction and Management

Effective waste management is essential for reducing corporate events’ environmental impact. By implementing strategies to minimise waste, events can significantly lower their contribution to landfills and reduce their carbon footprint.

Waste Reduction Strategies:

  • Digital Alternatives: Replace paper-based materials such as brochures, schedules, and tickets with digital alternatives. Encourage attendees to use event apps or websites instead of printed materials for information.
  • Reusable Materials: Use reusable or compostable materials for event signage, decorations, and utensils. Avoid single-use plastics, which are a major source of pollution.
  • Recycling Programs: Set up clearly marked recycling stations throughout the event venue. Ensure attendees know how to properly dispose of their waste and work with the venue to manage waste efficiently.

The Role of Sustainable Promotional Products

Promotional products are a staple of corporate events, used to enhance brand visibility and provide attendees with memorable takeaways. However, many traditional promotional items contribute to environmental degradation, especially when made from non-biodegradable materials or produced through resource-intensive processes. Sustainable promotional products offer a way to maintain the benefits of branding while reducing environmental harm.

1. Environmentally Friendly Materials

Choosing promotional products made from environmentally friendly materials is crucial in reducing events’ carbon footprint. Products made from recycled, organic, or biodegradable materials have a lower environmental impact than those made from conventional plastics or synthetic materials.

Examples of Sustainable Materials:

  • Recycled Plastics: Items made from recycled plastics like rPET, such as pens, tote bags, and water bottles, help reduce the demand for new plastic production and prevent waste from ending up in landfills.
  • Organic Cotton: Promotional apparel made from organic cotton is a sustainable alternative to conventional cotton, which is often grown with the use of harmful pesticides and excessive water.
  • Bamboo and Cork: Bamboo and cork are renewable resources that can be used to make various eco-friendly promotional products, from notebooks to phone stands.

2. Durability and Reusability

Promotional products should be designed for durability and reusability to ensure they have a long lifespan. Items that can be used repeatedly reduce the need for frequent replacements, thereby minimising waste and the overall environmental impact.

Promotional Products with Longevity:

3. Reducing Landfill Waste

The end-of-life stage of promotional products is an important consideration. Biodegradable or easily recyclable products are less likely to end up in landfills, where they can contribute to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Strategies for Reducing Waste:

  • Compostable Items: Choose compostable promotional items, such as biodegradable pens or seed paper business cards, which can be planted after use.
  • Recyclable Packaging: Ensure that promotional products’ packaging is recyclable. Avoid excessive packaging, which contributes to unnecessary waste.
  • Educational Messaging: Include messaging with your promotional products that educate recipients on responsibly disposing of the items. This can encourage more sustainable behaviour and reduce the likelihood of products ending up in the trash.


Business and industry associations have a unique opportunity to lead by example in the movement toward sustainability. By implementing strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of corporate events and conferences, these organisations can make a meaningful impact on the environment while still achieving their business objectives.

Every decision made during event planning can contribute to a more sustainable future, from selecting sustainable venues and reducing travel emissions to offering eco-friendly catering options and using sustainable promotional products. The shift towards greener events aligns with global environmental goals and enhances organisations’ reputations as responsible and forward-thinking entities.

In a world where sustainability is becoming increasingly important, the choices made today will shape the planet’s future and the industries that rely on it. By committing to sustainable event practices, business and industry associations can play a pivotal role in driving positive change, setting a standard for others to follow, and ultimately contributing to a healthier, more sustainable world.


Anderson, K 2023, 5 Tips to Reduce the Carbon Footprint of your Events,

Tao, Y, Steckel, D, Klemeš, JJ & You, F 2021, ‘Trend towards virtual and hybrid conferences may be an effective climate change mitigation strategy’, Nature Communications, vol. 12, no. 1.

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